As a primary teacher I am immersed in children's books around the clock. I also write and illustrate children's books. So this topic is very close to my heart. Alas, I picked one and here she is...

Milly Molly Mandy; by Joyce Lankester Brisley.
This book is over seventy years old and is as precious as the name suggests. Milly Molly Mandy is a sweet, thoughtful little girl who's real name is Millicent Margaret Amanda, which is too long so she is simply called, Milly Molly Mandy.
She has lovely friends: Billy Blunt and Little Friend Susan. The adventures she takes are simple tasks like running errands, making presents, fishing, going to school and other childhood joys.

Perhaps, for me personally it is the line illustrations throughout the book that keep me glued. Or the fact that the book shows the obstacles a little child confronts in the day to day with such pretty and concise writing.

Charming perfection;) Thanks to potty mouth mama for this week's brilliant topic on this is.
Oh wow, this looks so lovely!
I also love children's books (and some children stuff in general..)
Great post!
How funny - I saw this book yesterday (it's my Mum's absolute FAVOURITE), so I think I might have to buy a copy. I never knew much about it until reading your post! Thanks for sharing, that's a great choice!
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